We are closing doors on Aug 15. Email records request to records@mhp-network.com

Serving Central Iowa with offices in
West Des Moines, Ankeny, and Knoxville


Behavioral Health

Behavioral Health Intervention Services (BHIS) is an intensive complementary skill-building therapy that works with mental health therapy and services.  Your therapist and your BHIS provider work together to have better outcomes from therapy.  Your therapist will work on the emotional causations and the mental health challenges.  The BHIS provider will work with the behaviors in real-life situations such as home and school.  BHIS is a time-limited service and works with therapy and it involves the individual child ages 5 to 18 years of age and the family, parents, and guardians to assist growth in behavioral and environmental changes.

How it Works

  1. Client fills out intake paperwork.
  2. Client and family meet with a therapist to complete an assessment to evaluate mental health diagnosis and need for BHIS services.
  3. Insurance will authorize services and a BHIS provider will be assigned to the client.
  4. Sessions often take place within the client’s home with an adult present, but services can also be provided at school, in-office, or via tele-health.
  5. Sessions are scheduled weekly.
  6. Client is reassessed every 6 months to evaluate further need of BHIS services.

Who is Eligible?

  • Ages 4-18
  • Covered by Medicaid
  • Private pay is also available
  • Targeted Behaviors
  • Verbal or physical aggression
  • Poor listening
  • Poor communication
  • Delinquent and destructive behaviors
  • Low self-esteem
  • Unhealthy family environments

What Clients Learn

  • Meeting adult expectations
  • Coping skills and resiliency
  • Conflict resolution
  • Decision making
  • Emotional regulation
  • Goal setting
  • Self-esteem building
  • Mindfulness and concentration
  • Communication skills
  • Self-relaxation
  • Social skills
  • Impulse control
  • Anger management skills
  • Identifying triggers to certain behaviors